1. May 2018
“ bietet in über 16 Ländern basierend auf APPUiO eine Drupal-Webhosting-Plattform mit Microservices an. Die Zusammenarbeit seit der ersten Stunde basiert auf gemeinsamen Werten und hohen technologischen Ansprüchen.”
6. April 2018
Adcubum’s success story with APPUiO
“Adcubum, the leading Swiss producer of standard software for the insurance industry, began offering its adcubum SYRIUS software in 1997. Now, 20 years later, the software is being transferred to Red Hat’s OpenShift with the help of APPUiO.”
14. March 2018
APPUiO an den Voxxed Days 2018
“Am 8. März 2018 trafen sich rund 400 Entwickler an den Voxxed Days in Zürich. APPUiO unterstützt die Konferenz seit Beginn und empfing die Teilnehmenden dieses Jahr mit einem Photobooth.”
28. February 2018
Neu bei APPUiO: Betreibe jegliche Art von Service
Von Beginn an unterstützt APPUiO dank OpenShift jegliche Art von Applikationen. Neu ist sogar der Zugriff vom Internet via TCP oder UDP auf die Services möglich.
4. October 2017
APPUiO is proud to be mentioned in the ebook "The State of the Kubernetes Ecosystem"
Kubernetes emerged from a need to run cloud-native applications on a massively scaled network. APPUiO includes Kubernetes as a distribution and is therefore mentioned in the ebook “The state of the Kubernetes Ecosystem”.
17. August 2017
Introduction to OpenShift on Exoscale
OpenShift is to Kubernetes similar to what a Linux distribution is to the kernel. In this blogpost we show how to integrate OpenShift on Exoscale
14. July 2017
One Year of Techlabs in Retrospect
It has been a year since my first retrospection onto an APPUiO & OpenShift Techlab ; a year and fourteen additional techlabs. And as it’s common in such a long time, a lot of things have changed: OpenShift has meanwhile graduated to version 3.5 and its webinterface, compared to version 3.1 back then, has become a lot more powerful and intuitive. But then there are things that remained constant as well, not least among them the lively interest in our Techlabs.
27. February 2017
2-Day-Training: From Zero to Hero with Microservices
March 22 and March 23 2017 at VSHN AG, Neugasse 10, Zürich
13. February 2017
Mini Techlabs at the Voxxed Days
Voxxed Days Zürich returns to Sihlcity Cinema on February 23rd, 2017. The entire developer community can meet and hear from some of the most inspiring speakers in our sector. Also APPUiO will be present. In our Mini Techlabs participants learn hands-on the key steps how applications are deployed to the cloud and how a container can be deployed und operated.